
The Paradox of Happiness: Finding True Joy in a World of Counterfeits is unavailable, but you can change that!

If you’re looking for happiness, forget about it. Literally. In an engaging, paradigm-shifting book, René Breuel deconstructs our consumerist models of happiness and proposes a radical, Jesus-based alternative: we don’t find happiness when we try to fulfill our desires—we find it when we stop looking for it and start focusing on serving others. By letting go, we find; by giving, we receive.

an ideal, mere contentment cannot sustain the full weight of human dignity, complexity, and splendor. It is not the overarching purpose of life. Happiness is a more modest thing. It is a crowning delight of lives properly lived—an awarded lollipop for the kids who played well. That’s why happiness cannot be found directly. It is not something to be grasped by self-serving efforts because it is a by-product of significant endeavors and relationships. In the words of Stuart Mill, “The only chance is
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